Skye's CoolSites
The Coolest Sites on the Net!









Welcome. I started this site because I am an avid net surfer. I like to visit everything from music and educational sites to those that are just plain weird. Are you the same way? If so, this is the place for you.

Every site listed here I have visited, and the first place I looked for sites was places I have bookmarked. Let me know of entertaining sites not listed here, because Skye's CoolSites is in the "creation" phase now. I'll be adding several more catergories, and when completed I'd like this to be a huge resource.

If you'd like to show support for us you can do that by 1) Linking to us. 2) Visiting the ads you see that interest you. 3) Telling us about other cool sites.

If you know of a Coolsite
that isn't listed here email me.

Attention Coolsite Visitor!

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When you visit a link here our site doesn't keep you in frames, nor does a new window open. Bookmark so you can return easily to find more neat sites. And well . . . because we kind of like having you here. ;)

Copyright © 2002, Skye's Coolsites, All Rights Reserved.

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